Dear Rauank: Two years old!! :)

Two years old! and last year has been so exciting. You started attending play school when you were just about 1 year 4 months! I was so worried that may be I was forcing you to start education very early but one look at the school and I knew you were ready. All you do is play in the water, play in the sand box, play with the activity toys, paint, help 'Ayesha Didi' in cooking snack like whipping mango ice cream, adding fruits to custard and make fruit salad, water the plants...aah I wish I was your age. As promised long ago, papa bought you a car--WagonR. We have a driver for month as both papa and I are learning to drive. Since 'Akbar' gets to drive the car always, you are under the impression that it is his car. Trust me, it is ours.
You can talk very well now. You are learning 3 languages. Telugu is what you always default to(I can never get rid of computer terminology from my vocabulary) but you are learning to speak English and Hindi and picking it up very fast.
I just realised yesterday that your ability to concentrate is reducing as you become more aware of your surroundings and discover many more opportunities to play.